Wednesday, October 31, 2012

old town trolley alexandria U.K. Citizens U.K. citiz ens r eturning fr om a non-EU country have a customs allowance of: 200 ciga

Muni str eetcars r un undergr ound ex clusively fr om Van N ess A venue to the Embarcadero and mostly abo veground in the outlying neighborhoods, fr om 6am until 1am. Five lines (J, K, L, M, and N) make identical stops belo w Market old town trolley alexandria Street, including Van Ness Avenue, Civic Center, Powell and M ontgomery str eets, and the Embarcadero. Past Van Ness Avenue the routes v eer in differ ent dir ections. The N-Judah services the Haight-Ashbury area and parallels Golden Gate Park on its way down J udah S treet to the ocean. A t the Embarcadero, this line also trav els to AT&T Park by way of King Street near the Cal Train station. The J-Church line passes near M ission D olores and the Castr o on its way to N oe Valley and points south. The L-Taraval travels through the S unset District within walking distance of the San Francisco Zoo.

U.K. Citizens U.K. citiz ens r eturning fr om a non-EU country have a customs allowance of: 200 cigarettes; 50 cigars; 250 grams of smoking tobacco; 4 liters of still table wine; 1 liter of spirits or strong liqueurs (over 22% PLANNING YOUR TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO

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